The one I did with my uncle was in Monument CO, had about 10,000 people and I only had 3 sales. 3 very small sales. Most of the people were just walking by, weren't buying anything from anyone :/
BUT!!! During that fair people who host other fairs came up to me and were impressed with my work. invited me to theirs.
So I gave it a shot and made the 1 hour drive down to Black Forest/Colorado Springs area to their annual craft festival. I made 6 HUGE sales!!! and most of my business cards are gone! I'm so thrilled! I made $120 that day! My biggest craft fair yet! And guess how many people showed up that day? 4-5,000. What?! haha! And some people were saying it was even smaller than before! hosnap! I'll deff. be returning to this one.
Everyone was so nice too!
Look! my booth: :)
I'm touched! Thank you CO community! :)
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