Tuesday, July 17, 2007
-LISTEN- to my chimes on youtube!
we'll see if this works: :'>
Monday, July 16, 2007
Featured Sellers -- Two Knotty Hempers!
Well.. here's their "about us" info!
"TwoKnottyHempers is a collaborative effort between two etsy shop owners,butterflymoon and hemplady4u, who want to spread the word out that Hemp is indeed fashionable, alive and well. In here you will find Galleries of their work, featured hemp artists of the week, macrame tips, hemp information regarding crafting, newsletter, what we are up to , works in progress, ideas...we will even let you pick out a theme for us to work on on a monthly basis. So come join us, sit back and ENJOY!!
Jennifer Mont is the owner of HempButterfly that runs out of etsy for now, http://www.butterflymoon.etsy.com/. She has been crafting for 12 years and keeps going strong. " I see a future in this business, people will come to realize that this is not your regular hempwork, this is truly a work of art." She puts in many hours a week working on new ideas, "everypart of my house is a mess, due to all the designs I have in progress" What will be new in her shop? Her new line of teen wear, Juiced, will premier on Etsy on July 3rd, so keep your eye out. Mother of two gorgeous boys, Joshua and Evan, 8 and 4 respectively she currently resides with her husband Mario and her german shep/great dane LOBO. Her family is her source of constant inspiration.
Lisa Davis is the owner of http://www.hemplady4u.etsy.com/ she has been hemping for 30years. She is married and has 2 biological children, 4 stepchildren , 1 granddaughter and 6 step grandchildren ( I consider them all mine ). She is currently a home maker and loves doing her hempwork cause it relaxes her. " I love to create and like to see how far I can go with each piece I make, sort of like pushing my own boundaries. I want people to fall in love with it, just as i do while im making it. I put in lot of time and thought into each and every piece I concieve . I believe hemp is for everyone" . This is a work of art that takes time to create . A perfectionist at Heart she is the type of person that will take a piece apart until she feels it is good enough to share with the world. "I love to make people smile andI love making people happy, if they are not happy neither am I""
You can visit their blog at:http://www.twoknottyhempers.blogspot.com/
go! go! they're way cool! :)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Black Forest Craft Fair - August 18th
Only $15! Look it up online if you are close and want to come.
I will be right at one of the entrances in the middle. So if you see me, and know me... say hi! :)
Plus... no shipping fees if you get to go to a show that I'm in ;) hehe. Anyways, very excited and can't wait to get out there again. Might do a show in Boulder sometime between or after then... always depends on who is still letting people apply and how much it costs.
See you there! :)
Friday, July 13, 2007
Craft Show -- July 14th
I will be setting up my booth once again ( so friggin excited!! ) at Carino Coffee on Smoky Hill and Picadily, Centennial CO. If anyone is nearby and wants to check out my stuff without the shipping costs... nows your chance! :)
It runs from 8am-noon so get their early... enjoy some coffee and see all the cool artists that they're showing off.
See you there! :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Many people start a craft with ambitions of opening a store, maybe going a craft fair, or perhaps just selling a couple here and there while focusing on family gifts. My name is Erin McDonald, owner of Caged Bird Sings Studios and my journey went from just playing around with some glass, to selling on an online store, to signing up for craft fairs. You never know where things will take you.
I attend the University of Northern Colorado and I now approach the school as only a sophomore. But coming back from school for the summer my mom and I played with the idea of me continuing her stained glass ideas. I had done a few windchimes with her before, but they included sodering and wax and was quite messy and painstakingly long. Then I found Etsy. Etsy has opened my eyes to a ton of inspiration for my pieces. I had recently purchased a wire-wrapped necklace from Windysdesigns and was so excited about wire-wrapping that I told my mom I wanted to try it on the windchimes. So we went out, bought some metal jewelry wire and thought to myself "maybe hemp" just in case the wire failed ( which it did :( ).

I LOVELOVELOVELOVE working in Hemp. It makes my life 10 fold easier on me. I take the idea of wire wrapping, but using hemp, and decorate each piece of stained glass uniquely. Hemp works great with beads of different sizes and lengths, is durable to wind and water and.. yes. even sunlight, hehe. Hemp also is more flexible in that when even the slightest breeze comes through it will vibrate along and make the beautiful noise my chimes make.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Craft fair on July 4th
Just got done with my July 4th craft fair. I split a booth with my Uncle seeing as it was my first ever craft fair and the booth price was a bit steep.
My uncle is the "palmer divide productions" sign and mine is the lame one i made myself in the back of the tent. All of my windchimes though!!! I had a very musical tent :) it was lovely. and there was a breeze all day so it really added to the greatness of my booth and chimes. I only sold 3 though!! But I came back, had a sale on Etsy and scored another sale.. so I guess at the end of the day its pretty good.
I'm pretty much thinking of the whole thing quite positively. I mean... most of my sales were from people who came to see my Uncle and wound up buying my stuff cuz they helped my uncle at his job, thus had his stuff already.
now to find out where to buy a nifty sign like the one my Uncle had...