an etsy group I'm a part of, etsyowls is doing a fundraiser for Octobers Breast Cancer Awareness month! Each of us agreed to create something that was pink and donate it to be 100% donated to the breast cancer research charity of the group's choice. We all worked hard and I'll be posting some of the other group member's items later on :) right now I'm just so proud of myself and this little owl. Pecho wants to be loved and to help out those who are fighting, have fought, and those who have lost in the fight for breast cancer.
Shes small, made of yarn and love, fits in the palm of your hand or the curve of your neck to keep you safe at night. She would also fit wonderfully in holiday gift bags for others! Filled with polyfill, the same material used to stuff stuffed animals, she is super squishy and loveable.
Purchase her for $10 here:
also check out the other owls and their works! they will ALL be posted in that shop!